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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interview Questions ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Events
What is Page.IsPostback Property in Asp.Net
What are the 3 types of Server Control Events in Asp.Net
Where are the application level event handlers present in an ASP.NET web application?
View State in
Session State Management in Asp.Net
State Management in Asp.Net
What is mean by Session Memory in Asp.Net
What is mean by Session Tracking in Asp.Net
Interview questions on Session in Asp.Net
What is the difference between Application and Session Events in Asp.Net
Give an example of how to use Application and Session events?
Caching in Asp.Net
Interview point of Questions on Caching in Asp.Net
What is the difference between Response.Redirect and Server. Transfer in
Security in Asp.Net
How the Authentication Process works in
Interview Questions on Authentication and Authorization in Asp.Net
What are the security concerns to keep in mind when using them in Asp.Net
What is a Theme in ASP.NET?
What are the types of control skins in ASP.NET and what is the difference between Named skins and Default skins?
What are the 3 levels at which a theme can be applied for a web application in Asp.Net
What is Global theme in Asp.Net
What are all the difference between themes and CSS?
Web Service in Asp.Net
Properties of Web Method in Web Service in Asp.Net
What are all Transaction Options for Web Method of Web Service in Asp.Net
Various ways of accessing Web Service in Asp.Net
How do you apply themes in
How do you exclude an ASP.NET page from using Themes in
What is use of the AutoEventWireup attribute in the Page directive in
What happens when you change the web.config file at run time in
Can you programmatically access IIS configuration settings in
How does application pools work in iis in
Pipeline object model in
HTTP Pipeline Processing in
The Pipeline Process Model in
Aspnet Pipeline architecture
HTTP Handler in
HTTP Modules in
The Pipe Line Event Model in
Which are the new special folders that are introduced in ASP.NET 2.0
What is the use of HTTP modules in Asp.Net
Can you create your own custom HTTP handler factory class in Asp.Net
Which class is responsible for receiving and forwarding a request to the appropriate HTTP handler in
What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous HTTP Handlers in Asp.Net
Improve the Asp.Net Performance
Difference between Aspx and Asmx in Asp.Net
Difference between Web service and Remoting in Asp.Net
Difference between Asp.Net and Asp in Asp.Net
Difference between User Control(ASCX) and Custom Control(DLL) in Asp.Net
IHTTPhandler and IHTTP Handlerfactory in
Automatic-memory management in
How many web config files can-we-have in
can you change master page dynamically in
What is the interface that you have to implement if you have to create a Custom HTTP Handler?
What is the difference between HTTP modules and HTTP handlers in
What is the common way to register an HTTP module?
Much of the functionality of a module can be implemented in a global.asax file. When do you create an HTTP module over using Global.asax File?
What is an exception log in Asp.Net
What is Tracing and what are the adavantages of using tracing to log exceptions in
How do you turn tracing on and off for an ASP.NET web application?

Where is the trace output displayed by default in Asp.Net
How do you specify, how many page requests should be written to the trace log?
How do you write trace messages to a log file for only selected pages in an application?
What is the difference between Trace.Write() and Trace.Warn() methods of a trace object?
Dependency Injection in Asp.Net       
How we implement Web farm and Web Garden concept in ASP.NET? Give an example       
What?s wrong with a line like this ? DateTime.Parse(myString).       
Where on the Internet would you look for Web services?       
How does the lifecycle of Windows services differ from Standard EXE?
What is connection pooling and how do you make your application use it?
Can you give an example of what might be best suited to place in the application_Start and Session_Start subroutines?

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