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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ado.Net Interview Questions

Waht are the Advantages of ADO.Net?
list all the classes those are used for database connections between sql server and
How can i identify the updated rows in a dataset?
How to pass multiple tables in datasets simultaneously?
Which name space is used to get assembly details?
How to pass text box values to an XML?
An Overview of Ado.Net
What are the components of ADO.Net
What is Dataset
What are the .Net Framework Data Providers
SQL Command Builder Class in Ado.Net
Draw backs of SQL Command Builder in Ado.Net
Example of SQL Command Builder
Can we connect two datareader to same data source using single connection at same time?
What is the difference between data reader and data adapter.
How do I call a stored procedure from my application using ADO.Net?
Different Types of Database Connection in ADO.Net
How to save the changes, made in the dataset, to the database?
What is the use of connection object ?
What’s difference between Dataset. clone and Dataset. copy ?
What’s difference between “Optimistic” and “Pessimistic” locking ?
What’s difference between “DataSet” and “DataReader”
What’s basic use of “DataView” ?
How can we check that some changes have been made to dataset since it was loaded ?
What are the various methods provided by the Dataset object to generate XML?
How can we connect to Microsoft Access , Foxpro , Oracle etc
What is the use of data Adapter ?
What is the use of command objects and what are the methods provided by the command object ?

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