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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Interview Questions on VB.Net

Redim Keyword in VB.NET
Role of New keyword in VB.NET
Jagged array in VB.NET
Data type conversion in VB.NET
Name Some of features present in VB.NET
What are the various open source tool available for VB.NET
Explain about Visual basic.NET culture?
Must inherit Keyword VB.NET culture?
Which is the tool which can convert Visual basic old version to .NET compatibility version?
Explain about the feature Anonymous type?
Explain about Anchoring and Docking in VB.NET
Text Box control properties in VB.NET.
Explain Context Menu in VB.NET
Form in VB.NET
Context Menu in VB.NET
Text box Control Property in VB.NET
Visual Inheritance in in VB.NET
Must inherit keyword in VB.NET
Active x component- in VB.NET
Option Strict in VB.NET
What are collection objects in
What is Anchoring and Docking in VB.NET
How to work with an interface in VB.NET
How do I convert one DataType to other using the CType Function in VB.NET
The Page_Load Subprogram in VB.NET
Types of Cursors
What do you mean by Data bound Controls? Explain
What is the difference between Property Get, Set and Let?
What is option base? diff between option base and option explicit?
Is it possible to set a shortcut key for label.
What is diff between the Generic Variable and Specific Variable?
What is typedef? explain
Difference between Class Module and Standard Module?
What is the difference between Listview and Treeview?
Dim x, y as integer. What is x and y data type?
Which property of menu cannot be set at run time?
What is the difference between ADODC and ADODB
What is early binding and late binding ?explain with example
List out controls which does not have events
What is branching logic control in
What is DataType conversion in VB.NET ?
Explain about the Ruby interface generator?
Explain about the feature Anonymous type?
Which is the tool which can convert Visual basic old version to .NET compatibility version
What would you do to remove Microsoft visual basic name space?
Explain about the keyword Must Inherit?
Name some of the features of C# which are not present in VB.NET?
Name and explain some of the exclusive features which are present in VB?
Explain about Visual basic.NET culture?
Explain about the performance of Visual basic?

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