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Friday, July 20, 2012

Interview Questions on WPF

What is Windows Presentation Foundation
What is XAML in WPF
Are XAML file compiled or built on runtime in WPF
Can you explain how we can separate code and XAML?
How can we access XAML objects in behind code in WPF
So is XAML meant only for WPF?
What are dependency properties in WPF
How does hardware acceleration work with WPF?
Does that mean WPF has replaced DirectX in WPF
What kind of documents are supported in WPF?
What is the need of WPF when we had GDI, GDI+ and DirectX?
How does hardware acceleration work with WPF?
Can you explain the overall architecture of WPF?
Which are the different namespaces and classes in WPF?
Can explain the different elements involved in WPF application practically?
What are dependency properties in WPF
When should I use WPF instead of DirectX? (Is DirectX dead?)
When should I use WPF instead of Windows Forms?(Is Windows Forms dead?)
When should I use WPF instead of Adobe Flash?
Where’s the entry point in WPF application?
How do I retrieve command-line arguments in my WPF application?
What is BAML in WPF
Can BAML be decompiled back into XAML?
Can you create Windows Service Using WPF?
What is a Routed event in WPF
Describe routed events in WPF
What are the event routing strategies in WPF
What is the difference between the Visual Tree and the Logical Tree in WPF
What are attached properties in WPF
What are routed commands in WPF
Describe the purpose of the following classes and how they relate
What are DependencyProperties? What is the main benefit of using DependencyProperties over regular properties in WPF
Explain how objects can notify the UI of changes in WPF
What are Triggers? Name the types in WPF
What information do you need to define a property trigger in WPF
What information do you need to define a dependency property?
What kind of properties in the UI can be updated by INotifyPropertyChanged in WPF
What is the difference between ItemsControl, ItemsPresenter, ContentControl, ContentPresenter, DataTemplate, HierarchicalDataTemplate in WPF
Name some common markup extensions and describe what they do in WPF
Describe the different binding modes in WPF
How can binding values from data objects be changed when bound to WPF controls? For example, changing the format of a DateTime string?
What are adorners in WPF
The Logical Tree VS The Visual Tree in WPF
Layout Panels in WPF
GRID Panel in WPF
STACK Panel in WPF
DOC panel in WPF
WRAP Panel in WPF
What's new in XAML of .NET 4.0

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