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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Using HTML 5 for Mobile Business Apps

When developing enterprise mobile apps, the debate between native or HTML5 seems endless. The advantages to adopting HTML5 are numerous and you might do well to consider it for your next business application.
As early as 2010, Steve Jobs endorsed HTML5 in his open letter titled “Thoughts on Flash ” stating that “new open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win”.
The coming years were proof,  that not only is it the platform for the next generation web but  HTML 5 is the foundation for Hyperweb Services on the Hypernet ( encompassing the web, the app model and whatever new technologies emerge in the online world.)

Despite strong criticism, HTML5 is still going strong. In their report on Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2014, Gartner predicts that the improved JavaScript performance will make HTML5 the next go-to enterprise application development tool.

Cross Platform

HTML5 is inherently cross platform making the web browser delivery consistent regardless of chosen operating system. This makes it ideal for organizations who service users of Windows and Blackberry OS persuasion and also caters for specific browser preference. It gives app developers the ability to work from a single code base and deploy seamlessly across multiple platforms including iOS, OSX, Windows, Blackberry, Google Android and all the major web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

Cross device

In addition, HTML5 is a cross device platform. Smartphones such as Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Windows Phone 7, all offer browsers delivering on the HTML5 promise to varying degrees. The same holds true for popular tablets such as the iPad, Amazon Kindle, Galaxy Tabs, etc.  It can safely be assumed that your app can easily support some of the newer devices that are expected to come to market after Mobile World Congress, 2014 with little or no customisation, even if they sport a different screen size, resolution and aspect ratio.

Plentiful Resources

Another distinct advantage of HTML5 is that the crux of the platform relies upon a common skill set. HTML5 is not a completely new platform but builds upon the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. As such there is already a huge talent pool of developers armed and able to become all powerful HTML5 masters. Whilst there is certain amount customization expertise required depending on the device and the server architecture, the basic knowhow is transferable.  Here at Srishti, we have developed an entire operations model that supports development of new or transition of existing legacy apps to this more versatile platform.

Cost Effective

For Businesses, investments in mobilizing their ERP and operation systems are a matter to be handled with sensitivity and after careful examination of ROI. HTML5 applications tick the box because they are relatively low-cost but can significantly increase efficiency and productivity. By offering your employees a simplified interface to process information, they can complete tasks and make insightful decisions in a short amount of time without having to exhaust their resources. The cross platform/ cross device features imply that organizations can allow their employees to bring their own devices thereby reducing on costs of hardware and maintenance.


Following a common standard also enables a broader level of accessibility compared to proprietary platforms. Now screen readers (or any other web consuming software) can portray content consistently across these same operating systems, browsers and devices.
One of the key objections presented by critics for adoption of HTML5 is that enterprise generally  want a partner who delivers a shrink wrapped offering. Also some others think that the technology is likely to be in a state of continuous evolution for many years to come. However, that does not dismiss that substantial set of features and UI components are already available for use. They offer significant advantages and are well supported in many of the leading browsers.

Future Proof

Microsoft calls HTML5 a first class citizen and Apple has demonstrated its commitment to the technology. Thus support from industry influencerscoupled with the emerging best practices such as responsive web design and progressive enhancement means that applications developed on HTML5 are future-proof and easily upgradable.
Now is the absolute best time to be investing in HTML5. There are significant advantages to be gained with the adoption of HTML5 as the basis for your enterprise applications. There is an absolutely huge, collaborative community rallying around to support and enhance HTML5 willing to share their learning and work with browser vendors to help produce the best web experiences ever. It is a very exciting time to be involved in development of go-to enterprise apps and this momentum  should be embraced by businesses seriously considering providing a superior user engagement on their systems for their workforce and partners.


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