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Friday, October 16, 2015

Interview Questions on Authentication and Autherization in Asp.Net

What is Anonymous access?
Anonymous access is the way most public Web sites work. Sites containing public information allow anyone to see that information, so they don’t authenticate users. ASP.NET Web applications provide anonymous access to resources on the server by impersonation. Impersonation is the process of assigning a user account to an unknown user.
What is the account that is associated with Anonymous access?
By default, the anonymous access account is named IUSER_machinename. You use that account to control anonymous users’ access to resources on the server.
What type of authentication can be used for Public Internet Web application?
Anonymous access. This is the common access method for most Web sites. No logon is required, and you secure restricted resources using NTFS file permissions.
What type of authentication can be used for Intranet Web application?
Windows authentication. Windows authentication authenticates network users through the domain controller. Network users have access to Web application resources as determined by their user privileges on the server.
What type of authentication can be used for Public Internet Web application?
Anonymous access. This is the common access method for most Web sites. No logon is required, and you secure restricted resources using NTFS file permissions.

What type of authentication can be used for Intranet Web application?

Windows authentication. Windows authentication authenticates network users through the domain controller. Network users have access to Web application resources as determined by their user privileges on the server.

What type of authentication can be used for Private corporate Web application?

Windows authentication. Corporate users can access the Web application using their corporate network user names and passwords. User accounts are administered using the Windows network security tools.

What type of authentication can be used for Commercial Web application?

Forms authentication. Applications that need to collect shipping and billing information should implement Forms authentication to gather and store customer information.

What type of authentication can be used for Multiple commercial Web applications?

Passport authentication. Passport authentication allows users to sign in once through a central authority. The user’s identity is then available to any application using the Passport SDK. Customer information is maintained in a Passport profile, rather than in a local database.
Can you use ASP.NET Authentication with HTM and HTML Files?
The three ASP.NET authentication modes apply to files that are part of the Web application. That includes Web forms (.aspx), modules (.asax), and other resources that are processed through the Web application’s executable. It does not automatically include HTML pages (.htm or .html). Those pages are handled by Internet Information Services (IIS), rather than ASP.NET. If you want to authenticate users who access HTML pages from within your Web application using Windows, Forms, or Passport authentication modes, you must map those files to the ASP.NET executable.

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