Properties of Web Method in Web Service:-
- The Buffer Response
- The Cache Duration
- The Description
- The Enable Session
- The Message Name
- The Transaction Option
The Buffer Response:-
- It enables buffering response for a Web method.
- The Buffer Response might be True or False. When set to 'True' then default setting is true.
- Asp.Net buffers the entire response before sending it down to the client.
- The Buffer Response set to 'False' buffers the response in the chunks of 16 KB.
- If we don't want entire control of the response in memory at once then we can set buffer response to false.
public class Service1: System.Web.Service.WebService
[WebMothod (Buffer Response :=False)]
public void Getdata()
. . . . . .
The Cache Duration:-
- It enables caching of the results for a web method.
- Syntax:- [WebMethod(CacheDuration:=Property Value)]
- Here the property value is number of seconds the response should be held in the cache.
- The Dafault is '0' which means the response is not cached.
- Asp.Net will cache the results for each unique parameter set.
[WebMothod (Cache Duration :=60)]
public double ConvertTemp(double dfHeat)
return ((dfHeat -32) * 5 )% 9);
Enable Session:-
- It enables the session state for Web Service Method.
- Session State is not needed for web service method, the disabling it improve the performance.
- The default enable session is "False"
[WebMethod (EnableSession:= False)]
public int SessionHitCounter()
if(Session["HitCount"] == "")
Session["HitCount"] = 1;
Session["HitCount"] = CInt("HitCount") + 1;
Return CINT("HitCount");
Message Name:-
- It enables the WebService to iuniquly identify overloaded method using an Alias.
- The default value is method name.
- When specifying the method name, the resulting SOAP message will reflect this name instead of the actual method name.
[WebMethod (MessageName:= "Add Double")]
public double add1(double dValue, Double Dvalue1)
return dValue1 + dValue2;
Transaction Options:-
It Enables to patispate as the root element.
It has the following values.
- Disabled
- Not Supported
- Supported
- Required
- Required New
Disabled:- It indicates web service method doe not run with the transaction.
Example: [WebMethod (Transactionoption = Transactionoption.Disabled)
NotSupported: It indicates the the web service method doe not run with in the scope of a transaction.
Example: [WebMethod (Transactionoption = Transactionoption.Notsupported)
Supported: runs with the scope of a transaction
Example: [WebMethod (Transactionoption = Transactionoption.Supported)
Required: Indicates that the Web Service requires a transaction.
Example: [WebMethod (Transactionoption = Transactionoption.Required)
Required New: Indicates that the Web Service requires new transaction.
Example: [WebMethod (Transactionoption = Transactionoption.RequiredNew)
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