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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Test Execution Process

The preparation to test the application is now over. The test team should next plan the execution of the test on the application.

Sub Types:

  • Pre- Requirements
  • Stages of Testing

Sub Types:

  • Version Identification Values
  • Interfaces for the application
  • Unit testing sign off
  • Test Case Allocation

Stages of Testing:-

  • Comprehensive Testing - Round I
  • Discrepancy Testing - Round II
  • Sanity Testing - Round III

Version Identification Values
The application would contain several program files for it to function. The version of these files and a unique checksum number for these files is a must for change management.

These numbers will be generated for every program file on transfer from the development machine to the test environment. The number attributed to each program file is unique and if any change is made to the program file between the time it is transferred to the test environment and the time when it is transferred back to the development for correction, it can be detected by using these numbers. These identification methods vary from one client to another.

These values have to be obtained from the development team by the test team. This helps in identifying unauthorized transfers or usage of application files by both parties involved. The responsibilities of acquiring, comparing and tracking before and after soft base transfer lie with the test team.

Interfaces for the application
In some applications external interfaces may have to connected or disconnected. In both cases the development team should certify that the application would function in an integrated fashion. Actual navigation to and from an interface may not be covered in black box testing.

Unit testing sign off
To begin an integrated test on the application, development team should have completed tests on the software at Unit levels.
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design. Using the Design specification as a guide, important control paths and filed validations are tested.
Clients and the development team must sign off this stage, and hand over the signed off application with the defect report to the testing team.

  • Test Plan – Internal
  • Test Execution Sequence

Test cases can either be executed in a random format or in a sequential fashion. Some applications have concepts that would require sequencing of the test cases before actual execution. The details of the execution are documented in the test plan.

Sequencing can also be done on the modules of the application, as one module would populate or
formulate information required for another.

Test Case Allocation
The test team should decide on the resources that would execute the test cases. Ideally, the tester who designed the test cases for the module executes the test. In some cases, due to time or resource constraint additional test cases might have to be executed by other members of the team. Clear documentation of responsibilities should be mentioned in the test plan. Test cases are allocated among the team and on different phases. All test cases may not be possibly executed in the first passes. Some of the reasons for this could be: 

  • Functionality may some-times be introduced at a later stage and application may not support it, or the test team may not be ready with the preparation
  • External interfaces to the application may not be ready
  • The client might choose to deliver some part of the application for testing and rest may be delivered during other passes

Targets for completion of Phases
Time frames for the passes have to be decided and committed to the clients well in advance to
the start of test. Some of the factors consider for doing so are

  • Number of cases/scripts: Depending on the number of test scripts and the resource available, completion dates are prepared.
  • Complexity of testing: In some cases the number of test cases may be less but the complexity of the test may be a factor. The testing may involve time consuming calculations or responses form external interfaces etc.
  • Number of errors: This is done very exceptionally. Pre-IST testing is done to check the health of the application soon after the preparations are done. The number of errors that were reported should be taken as a benchmark.

The preparation to test the application is now over. The test team should next plan the execution of the test on the application. In this section, we will see how test execution is performed.

Stages of Testing:
Comprehensive Testing - Round I
All the test scripts developed for testing are executed. Some cases the application may not have certain module(s) ready for test; hence they will be covered comprehensively in the next pass. The testing here should not only cover all the test cases but also business cycles as defined in the application.

Discrepancy Testing - Round II
All the test cases that have resulted in a defect during the comprehensive pass should be executed. In other words, all defects that have been fixed should be retested. Function points that may be affected by the defect should also be taken up for testing. This type of testing is called as Regression testing. Defects that are not fixed will be executed only after they are fixed.

Sanity Testing - Round III
This is final round in the test process. This is done either at the client's site or at Maveric depending on the strategy adopted. This is done in order to check if the system is sane enough for the next stage i.e. UAT or production as the case may be under an isolated environment. Ideally the defects that are fixed from the previous phases are checked and freedom testing done to ensure integrity is conducted.


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